University Habilitation Committee and Doctoral Council (EHBDT)
Doctoral Schools
BMe - PhD Students
Former Research Grants
University (BME)
Hungarian Doctoral Council
BMe Research Grant - 2025
Call for Proposal
Doctoral School/Homepage
Head of the Doctoral School
Research Field
Hungarian Doctoral Council (ODT)
Doctoral School of Architecture
SZABÓ Levente
Data Sheet
Doctoral School of Business and Management
Koltai Tamás
Business and Management
Doctoral School of Electrical Engineering
Bíró József
Electrical Engineering
Doctoral School of Informatics
Levendovszky János
Doctoral School of Mathematics and Computer Science
SIMON Károly
Mathematics and Computer Science
Doctoral School of Physics
Takács Gábor
Doctoral School of Psychology (Cognitive Science)
Lukács Ágnes
George A. Olah Doctoral School of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
Poppe László
Bio, Environmental and Chemical Engineering,Chemistry
Géza Pattantyús-Ábrahám Doctoral School of Mechanical Engineering
ORBULOV Imre Norbert
Mechanical Engineering
Kálmán Kandó Doctoral School of Transportation and Vehicle Engineering
Gáspár Péter
Transportation and Vehicle Engineering
Pál Csonka Doctoral School of Architecture
Domokos Gábor
Pál Vásárhelyi Doctoral School of Civil Engineering and Earth Sciences
Kollár László Péter
Civil Engineering and Earth Sciences